
By Croft16

Monday night.

..a lovely day up here. A few midges to start with, but then bright and sunny with a nice gentle breeze. Perfect for keeping the blighters away!

Pulled up a bed of Swiss Chard that had run to seed, gone wild as they call it up here! Pulled up a bed of celery. It was meant to be Red Soup, a variety especially for putting in soups, but it was tough, and stringy, and had "gone wild" too.. And then onto the spinach. Again, I've been harvesting these 6 rows to death, and they didn't owe me anything.. The chickens enjoyed a trug full of this.

G came down to take Tans on the beach, and then we did a mini harvest, just enough to keep the hotel ticking over..

And then down for to deliver and have a drink or two while G went to her pilates class in Lochinver. This is Carol, and G and David. I've tried playing with the depth of field options in PS. Not sure I like it. The picture was taken in pretty dark surroundings, and is a bit grainy. Not one of my best ones, but the best I can do for today..

Hope to get some salads sown tomorrow, and parsley. But as it's now raining, might have to reconsider in the morning..

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