Today's Special

By Connections

Garden Visitor

I did some modest gardening in the front yard after my exercise class at the Y today, reasoning that my muscles were as warmed up and evenly stretched as they'd ever be. The mild autumn sunshine was pleasant, and I enjoyed pruning low branches on our cedar tree and cutting back an overgrown lavender bush and a bloomed-out heather.

As if to bless this endeavor, today's subject -- a cat I'd never seen before -- decided that I needed company. She settled down under the tree for a little while to watch me work, then climbed to a higher vantage point a few feet off the ground. A few minutes later, seeking a change of scene, she strolled over to a sunny spot to stretch and yawn for a while, before returning to check my progress.

Over the course of my life, I've had several cats, and prefer them to dogs, with the exception of Annie, the amazing Australian shepherd Phil and I had. (That journal entry still brings tears to my eyes.) I'm partial to small tabby cats, particularly gray and brown ones, so I was particularly pleased that this one favored me with her company today. She has a collar, and probably lives nearby, so I hope to see her again.

(Taken with my iPhone 5s)

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