French Onion Soup

Leather jacket weather! Brrrrrr there's a chill in the air, leaves are falling and I'm dreaming of soups and stews. So that was summer? Good job I have a few tricks up my sleeve for how we can grab some rays before the cold really sets in. Expensive tricks, but tricks nevertheless.

Spent the day in Manchester in meetings and it was pretty drizzly and dismal. Angus wasn't working so we had French Onion soups in a cafe together for lunch. Ooh la la.

Then home to work and I did bathtime with Squidge who insisted that she wanted to sleep in the spare room with her Daddy. I can definitely feel a Daddy's girl transitioning going on. Makes me a wee bit sad as have been favourite up until now and although it is draining, you don't realise how much you miss it until it's gone.

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