Germs and Sunday supplements

Ah the school bugs have arrived. Poor Squidge had an awful night's sleep which meant I did too as she kept waking and shouting for me in her sleep. Really thought she would have come down with something bad this morning going off how she seemed in the night but she was alright considering.

Didn't stop me picking us all up some First Defence nasal spray and vitamins for what is likely to be an onslaught of preschool germs this Autumn though.

My friend Lex was in Manchester at a conference today so after a lazy morning I jumped into town and did a bit of shopping, lunch and work before meeting up with her.

On my way home now as it's the Mother in Law's birthday and she's at ours for tea. Managed to read Sunday Times Style in peace on the train home which is an achievement for any Sunday. Now I just need to stop myself online shopping for everything I spotted in it!!

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