
By samsticks


Oh my goodness. I stayed up last night to watch the result of the Prime Minister spill, and went to bed with a massive grin.

I'm in the unfortunate position that I'm unable to vote here in Australia. I aim to have citizenship one day, but permanent residency would be a good start! I do, however, follow the comedy of errors that is Australian politics, generally from behind the couch. I have a deep hatred of Tony Abbot, something that has surprised my usual level-headed self, and that is even more confronting as I've never met him in the flesh. Few people on this Earth could be considered more self-serving, malicious and cowardly. We may still be stuck with the same party, but for him to be ousted from within leads me to hope that something may get through the chink in his armour of ignorance.

I shall not miss him.

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