Tiny Tuesday : : Feeling Prickly

The star thistles have gone from pretty little yellow flowers to wicked little mace-like weapons that can breech the thickest of socks and jeans.  They are just another prickly item in the panoply of prickly items that constitute our garden.

We are hosting dinner for OilMan's high school reunion group tomorrow. We thought we would be able to eat outside, but the weather is changing again, so I spent the morning searching for a way to make our farm table and a fold up table of about the same size look a little bit festive inside. It will involve moving several large pieces of furniture and relocating others,  or trapping people in their chairs. I thought II could gather a few colorful leaves for a centerpiece, but it is not to be. The leaves are either still on the trees or burned and brown on the ground. Back to the drawing board. decor-wise.

Now where did we stash the folding chairs…?

OilMan has been working on his signature dish, pulled pork. He appears at the moment to be rethinking the plan as he is into his second hour of pulling the pork which he has cooked to perfection today. In fact, I woke up to the smell of smoke and visions of fire just over the ridge, but it was just OilMan's barbecue which he had moved near the open bedroom door from it's usual spot by the kitchen. I'm sure he had a good reason….

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