Bloomin' Lovely!

I've been in Washington DC today. Sadly, I had to get some work done so I stayed in my hotel room all morning. I did get out at lunchtime to run a couple of errands. It was HOT in DC!  Too hot for my liking. I did find a shady park, however, and enjoyed half an hour reading my book while sitting in the shade. There's only so much of hotel air conditioning that I can take.

I was at a bit of a loss for a blip today but then I saw these beautiful sunflowers at the Trader Joes supermarket. Don't they look cheerful?  

I'm posting this from my iPhone without any editing or cropping. I don't usually post this way but thought I would try it out. I may update when I get home!
(Now updated with a slightly 'edited' version - and a border!)

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