Many Happy Returns

Today, (in case you missed it on the news) marks the Centenary of the Women's Institute - or WI as it is normally called now.
Our village, considering its size, has quite a large group of members, and about 65 ladies met this evening in the local Memorial Hall to enjoy a meal with friends, laugh over old anecdotes, and have a jolly good sing song.
Yes - Jerusalem was sung (although contrary to popular belief, it isn't normally) - and there was some jam in the beautiful sponge cake - made of course by one of the members.
This is the President of our local group (on the left) along with a lady who has been involved with our village's WI for most of her life, as both her grandmother and her mother were committee members. 
Our particular branch was founded in October 1921, so is a mere youngster at 94 years old.

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