Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Except for another meeting with my job coach (she has me doing a lot of exercises now) I've had one more day of doing a lot.
The challenge for today was to make hamburger bread. I've never done that before and in the making of the there were two things I've never tried before. One was to ferment the dough in a cold oven but with a sauce pan with hot water in the oven, and the next was having a roasting pan in the oven while its heating, put the plate with the dough in the oven, pouring hot water on the hot roasting pan and the close the oven door as fast as you can. Hot water on a hot roasting pan was not a pleasant experience, so next time I will buy the bread! But, I've tried now. Four of them are really nice, but the other four aren't as nice as I wanted them to be. Oh well.
The chutney is done to, and that turned out really nice. :)

So, now, after a bunch of more stuff done, I'm enjoying a nice cup of tea for a while, before I start printing my thesis, or what's done of it to take with me. I don't know why, but I find it easier to get a view of the thesis when it's printed on paper, rather that reading it on the computer. :)

I hope everyone have a great weekend! :)

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