
By Madchickenwoman

"I'm not happy!"

Can't quite believe I am blipping so early! But my cold is so not better today - every time I bend over my nose doesn't just drip like a leaky tap, it runs! Plus my head feels like it has a metal band tightening around it and my ears and jaw aches! Did I mention the itchy throat?! how about the earth shaking sneezes?!
To add to my joy it was a visit to the Dental hygienist this afternoon - this had already been put off due to conflict with Friends hospital appointments so I really didn't feel I could cancel it again. So in I went, stopping at opticians to get the lenses in my glasses replaced whilst still under guarantee. Oh dear - walking and then driving wearing my reading glasses, peering over the top like some mad scientist really did my head no good at all!
At the dentist I bumped into old work  colleague  from the second school I worked at in Plymouth which was nice.The hygienist was her usual mad self and at one point neither of us could do what we needed - me open my mouth and her look in it. As I held a mirror to look in and see what she was referring to, I noticed a bit of spittle so whipped it away with my tongue, at which point she said how she thought her tongue was mobile but it had nothing on mine! Well that was it - much cackling ensued! Seems the Shingles have rendered my gums fragile, so I will see her in 3 months time - we had a hug at the sheer joy of seeing each other again so soon! 
There had been much admiration of my new bag by the hygienist and her assistant, and then the secretary commented on it too - as I was showing her the detached inner bag that it came with, and matching purse, the hygienist came out and seeing it rushed into a cupboard and came out with her bag! In it she had a another bag, complete with outside pockets to store pens, make up etc. The secretary then reached under her desk to bring out her bag, from which she drew an inner bag!! I'm telling you it was a bag off contest! I think the Hygienist won as it was compact and had so many neat compartments!
So home and finally Tilly came out of the coop on her own volition! She doesn't look exactly  happy here, but I think that is the unfortunate natural downturn to her beak! All I need now is the allotment girls to go into theirs quickly and it's tea and bed for me! 

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