Flower Friday: A Paper Rose

Hands up who remembers watching the TV series on the Japanese paper-folding art of Origami, presented by master magician Robert Harbin?  It was broadcast in the early 70's, and I was quite obsessed with it for a time.  I even bought some of his books, and packs of specially cut and coloured Origami paper to create elaborate models with (plus water bombs to drop on people from above, of course!).

Apart from making the odd hat, boat, aeroplane or cruet to entertain various small children over the years, I haven't indulged in any Origami since I was about 14.  Until today.  This morning I waited hours for a British Gas engineer who never arrived (after strong complaints, £30 compensation from British Gas is now on its way into my bank account).  For something to do, I thought I'd make an "Origami Rose With Leaves" to blip for Flower Friday.  So here it is.  And I'm now rather tempted to take up the art of paper folding all over again.....

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