The Counselling House

Firstly, thank you so much for yesterdays Hearts and Stars. I was quite overwhelmed. The picture itself is one that puts a lump in my throat so to get as many Hearts as I did made it feel even more Special!

Today was Jasmines last day with us, but also a very emotional and difficult day. 

As my regular followers know, Jasmine was fostered by me from Birth and adopted by Gill at 15 months. A few days ago, Gill learned that Jasmines birth mother sadly died.

Gill wanted to tell Jasmine today, while she was with us. Something she knew was going to be very difficult and looked to me for support.

I suggested she took Jasmine up to the Wendy House at the top of the garden to discuss the 'Bunting' we bought from Hobby Craft yesterday, then tell her. She agreed and laid cushions out in the Wendy House.

The sobs and howls of "but I wanted to meet her" where heart breaking and we all ended up having a cry together. Jasmine was very quiet for a few hours after she was told. She was then strong enough to ask me questions about her mum and the funeral next Thursday. After that  she appeared alot better. Back to her usual self. And we made the Bunting and hung it in the Wendy House, now renamed the 'Council(ing) House. 

Here she is, back in the house with Daughter Number 1 who came for dinner and moral support. She was amazingly helpful and all this will help with her Social Work training Im sure!

We dropped Gill and Jasmine off at the train station an hour ago. All appears well so far.

But that was a tough day.


and Mr W now has my cold, but of course his is FAR worse!

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