Treasures through the window

Mr Mod is up the road from me, and across the road from my doctors rooms. I had to go to the doc after work, so got to look through the windows of Mr Mod.

Mr Mod is cool, expensive and open on Saturdays. Mr Mod and I don't see each other very often :-)

I mostly see my doc because at my practice they like to see you every 6 months, rather than dish out endless repeats for 'scripts. She checked my throat and ears, and confirmed my viral status. My blood pressure is perfect, and I left with some 'scripts, a little less blood, a referral for an x-ray, and a lighter wallet.

The bloods were for all the usual suspects - diabetes, cholesterol etc. The x-ray is for a blip worthy lump on the side of my right knee. It's a shocker to look at but doesn't bother me much, except when I climb or carry a heavy pack, and then it's mild discomfort (compared to the rest of me!).

But show a lump to a doc you've not bothered to mention for several years and unlike you, they don't want to ignore it. No hurry, or at least this side of summer there isn't ;-)

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