The straight and narrow

That's me, on the straight and narrow. That's pretty much what the doc ordered yesterday. There is no rocket science involved - "...listen to your body...", "...get plenty of rest and sleep...", " well, 2 pieces of fruit and 5 servings of veges per day...", " running or tramping yet...".

I added a couple of things to my arsenal today. Gees Linctus a cough mixture I'd never heard of. "A brown coloured linctus containing Camphorated Tincture of Opium, Squill Oxymel Syrup, Tolu and Honey. Gees Linctus is an expectorant cough mixture with a demulcent action. It helps loosen phlegm and calms an irritating cough".

Hmmm, not sure of that ingredient list. The chemist said it might make me dosey, now I can see why. So far, so good.

I also ordered bulk Sodium Ascorbate online, one of the most bioavailable forms of vitamin C. Depending on your perspective, it's either expensive wees, or the body gobbles the stuff up, fights off viruses and helps heal immune systems. I've had good results with it in the past so I'm going with the latter.

I'd like to point out I haven't passed to the dark side and embraced rugby, but in the interest of collegiality and fun in the work place, I have joined in on the rugby sweep stake.

I have no idea how it works, but I have Wales and Ireland. "Is that good?" I asked. I was assured both were "fantastic" but was then told most of the Wales team are lame or injured or both. Bummer.

But Ireland sounds ok -  "so long as none of them get injured" I was told. "Why?, don't they have spares?" I asked.

I was sorry I asked, as the explanation was long, and covered "depth" and various statistics that made my eyes glaze over. I nearly wished I was watching the tedium of those scrum-arrangement-thingies.

Saddest of all, I had no idea how long this World Cup malarkey goes on for. Here was I thinking it would all be over in another 3 weeks tops. It goes on until the start of November! "You're kidding me!" I said.

Apparently not. But you already knew that. I'm the only person in NZ who didn't ;-)

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