
By Lenore

Simon's house

Tuesday, town day, late as ever leaving and a near silence drive all the way in only interrupted with 'double de-clutch' reminders every time I forgot. Once getting to town, dropping off Dirk for errands it was time to drive alone - where I did remember my special clutch manoeuvres, didn't get lost despite curtly explaining that more than one set of directions was useless as I would get them confused. Re-united for lunch, stresses gone and a lovely relaxed lunch before two more errands, where we forgot half the shopping we we're supposed to do.

Back at the farm, our long hot day in town needed the tonic of an evening walk, this particular walk goes past 'Simon's house' where the now disgraced gardener used to live, it's towards the top of the air strip so he had a 2km walk to the house each morning.

Deciding that I needed to work my legs a little, I carried the boy and given most of our 5km walk was on sand it certainly got the legs working.

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