and through the wire...

By hesscat

What Are We Doing Here?

Good Question... so we went along to Ms H's school tonight to listen to a lecture by ex-pupil on this very subject - Dr Brandon Carter. He went on to study at Cambridge with Prof. Stephen Hawking with whom he researched black holes in 1970, and he authored the Doomsday Argument which proposes that there is a 95% chance of that the human race will be extinct within 9,120 years. Ha...

This is the last slide of the lecture, an example of the doomsday catastrophe that might result from failure to control population by gentler means...!!! It shows a bit of a crisis in 2040... I'll get my coat!

It's a bit weird, but by chance, we've recently heard talks from people with connections to the first 2 films of the Moorflix film season, Pride (Sian James MP at Greenman) and The Theory of Everything  (Dr Carter). It falls down at Selma though...

And the answer... I'm just 'ere for ma 'aircut! Which reminds me...

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