
By kellynicol61


I had no time to get a shot today so I am going with an old picture that I just received today. My son Lucas and his friend Josh have been friends since they were babies. We used to live next door to each other and they went to the same sitter for years. They are still best friends to this day and Josh found this picture and sent it too Lucas and I asked for it. Lucas is on the left. Not the best picture but I love it and the friendship it represents :)
I see there is some conflict on Facebook today about people Blipping photos not from that day. I like that Blip motivates me to get out and take pictures but it is also a journal of my life and so sometimes old photos are part of my day so I post them for me and my memories. I don't do it often but I am guilty of doing this. If this offends anyone feel free to not follow me:)

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