Having a ball

Rydw i'n hoffi'r cerflun mawr ar wal y cestyll yng Nghaerdydd.  Mae'n dathlu'r Cwpan Rygbi'r Byd 2015.  Rydw i'n meddwl ei fod e'n ddyfeisgar iawn.  Roedd ymdeimlad cyffrous yn y dre heddiw ac agwedd da rhwng cefnogwyr y gwledydd gwahanol. Rydw i'n gobeithio byddan nhw i gyd mwynhau'r gemau.

Rydw i'n hoffi anthem Cymru.  Mae'r hanes diddorol gyda hi.  Cafodd hi ei hysgrifennu fel cân ond roedd hi'n mor boblogaidd daeth hi anthem genedlaethol. Mae'n dweud am bobl y wlad, ei cherddoriaeth, ei phrydferthwch, ei natur, ac wrth gwrs ei hiaith. Mae'n
bron anthem i bawb, ym mhob man. Bron.

I like the big sculpture on the wall of the castle in Cardiff. It celebrates the World Cup 2015. I think it's very inventive. There was an exciting feeling in town today and a good attitude between supporters of the participating countries. I hope they all enjoy the games.

I like the anthem of Wales. It has an interesting history. It was written as a song but it was so popular that it became the national anthem. It tells about the people of the country, its music, its beauty, its nature, and of course its language. It is almost an anthem for everyone, everywhere. Almost.

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