
By Lenore

Good morning Mr Chameleon

Gill came over to our door this morning holding a branch, I couldn't quite work out why she was bringing this over to me and assumed that the pretty white flower on the end was for my vase of flowers somehow.  In fact, she was bringing me this chap who was happily on the branch and being one very chilled out chap.  We admired him for 5 minutes or so before taking him to the tree in the middle of the garden as he'd probably had enough of us by then.  

Getting hot these days, mid-30's most days and I feel sorry for Lovemore the gardener when I go to tell him that the day's task is to dig compost into the freshly emptied beds in readiness for planting.  He was seeking shade behind some plants and weeding the adjacent bed yesterday rather than getting on with the compost task, but who can blame him - the bed looks better for being weed free as we're also on an anti-weed mission.  Digging in compost can happily be a morning task to make use of the cooler weather. .  

A show-down in brewing with the maid who can be a little shy of tasks.  Very frustrating.  Whilst this storm gathers, I'm on a cleaning mission and so every evening I attack the bathroom.  Cooking dinner comes with the opportunity to clean the kitchen and as such is taken up with more relish than maybe it was previously.

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