
By Lenore

Learning to be a famers wife...

Feeling lazy, we declined the offer of babysitting so that we could go for a run and had a walk instead.  We ran yesterday evening - frankly, it's damn hard work at the moment - building up after months and months off combined with running on sand tracks and at an altitude of 1,300m.  I have a steely determination that it will come back, however that determination was failing us this evening as we gave in and compromised on a walk.  

With a full moon due tomorrow night, our evening walk was basked firstly in the red / golden setting sun and then with the moon lighting everything up - this was taken after sunset, although you'd never know it. 

All was going very well indeed, just two dogs with us - who were managing to be nice dogs and behave.  Then we came to paddock 7, where the steers are being fed ready to be sold - this equates to bored steers as they don't have to spend as long foraging for food.  So when we met the herd in the twilight they were highly inquisitive and packed full of energy - great, this essentially meant being followed by a herd of steers who were getting increasingly boisterous.  Having initially felt stupid for taking my stick out with me on our walk, I was so very grateful as it's amazing how much braver you become with a stick. Dirk gallantly drove them away every so often and I dearly wanted a picture of the herd kicking up dust as they followed us at pace, but frankly I was concentrating on keeping calm and walking (rather briskly) towards the sanctuary of the cattle grid - that and the light just wasn't right.... So there we are, I need to work on this farmers wife business and become a little less scared of the cattle. 

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