
By Lenore

Reading with Daddy

I asked Dirk if he could look after the child for a while this afternoon so I could finish the first blind (just slipped that in there that the first one is nearly done..)

Daddy day care today was reading time, he quite likes a book - bright colours and textures etc.... he get's the likes of Meg and Mog with me - and seems to enjoy it, but Daddy had other idea's and the boy appeared to be vaguely interested in 'Magnum magazine' although it probably doesn't have enough bright colours in it for a repeat viewing. 

My first encounter with a cobra today.  I went outside from the kitchen to rub some mud of a potato for supper and admired a rather large lizard on the step and watched (briefly) as it climbed the wall, then admired the even larger lizard at the bottom of the step, then had a cold realisation that this was no lizard and it's neck was larger that the rest of it's body as it was turning towards me.  I didn't exactly wait around to admire it any more - instead ran inside and almost, sort of got the words out to Dirk about what I'd seen. He realised he clearly expected to set up to the mark and be a man about the whole thing as I waited around in the house in a rather female manner.  Explaining to my mother in law what I'd just seen, she replied 'and those snakes really are quite naughty'.  

Adding to the day's wildlife encounters, on the evening run we ran along side the paddock with the steers in it - they decided it was great fun to run along side us and in fairness, it was quite something to have about 20 steers cavorting by us  and far, far nicer with a fence between them and us. 

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