
By Realgrumpytyke

A fiddle - now substituted

Substituted photo now film has been developed. Sort of sums up Bradford, my home town: dismal, sad. I prefer to go to Leeds but there is an excellent photo developing, ProAm, and second hand camera shop in Bradford very close to this surviving - in my opinion - ugly - building. It was amazingly proposed that an iconic cinema building which defines the city centre skyline should be demolished yet this preserved (fortunately corrected following long battles).
Olympus SP35 acquired cheaply, taken to compare with shots duplicated on OM4. On Fuji Superia 200, desaturated. (I use ProAm to develop colour neg; do my own B/W).
Words re pic originally posted on the day:
Having taken the battery out of my camera the date had to reset and I mistakenly set it one day awry. Now I cannot use the photo I took for today (I guess because it will be dated yesterday). No time to mess about, just shot anything on the iPad and posting it to maintain one a day.

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