The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Same old, same old ..

I asked someone I know through Facebook if she had a fox trap I could borrow (she has a wildlife rescue near Selby). She was happy to lend me it, so I went to pick it up this morning - it's enormous!

We struggled it into the back of the van - only slightly, if deeply, scratching the paintwork which I've just had fixed.

I still don't know who to get Jack to for treatment if I manage to catch him. I rang a reasonably local wildlife place and described the problem but she thinks I should just treat him with anti bs and not trap him at all .. I haven't seen him at all today, so he's already missed one tablet.

How confusing it all is ..

At the moment the trap is in the garden for them to get used to, but not set.

I picked up mum - via the little owl.

I'm afraid you've seen him many, many times before ..

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