My nemesis!!

Spiders I can cope with, even mice, but Daddy Longlegs are something else! I hate the noise they make when they buzz about around the room!! Uggghhhh... Makes my skin shiver just thinking about them!!!

I don't know why this Daddy Longlegs wasn't out making the most of the wonderful sunshine that we've had today, maybe like me he stayed indoors trying to get over a stinky virus...

Thank you for all your ideas re my back blips of France. In the end I decided to just post one a day over the next week or so. It always takes me ages to decide which photo to post as I seem to take hundreds! So I'm hoping this way it won't be too onerous a task. Mind you there wasn't an awful lot of choice for my first French back blip as that evening the light was very poor... Here's a link if you'd like to take a look:

Day 1 - L'heure de l'apéro!!

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