The lonely larch

Out early with pooch this morning - but not early enough to crunch through the frost - soon though, soon.
I knew where I wanted to go as soon as we left the house - I've not been up onto the tops and visited my lonely larch since I came back from the Alps, but on crisp clear days like today it offers a wonderful vista - and chances are you won't see a soul (we saw two tiny people on the C2C in the distance). One of the joys of the higher fell is that you can roam away from the paths - but walking off the Knott heading for the monument we decided to follow some indistinct tracks that headed towards Underscar, before tracking across and back into Orton.

My neighbour (who is moving on, sadly the nice one not the PITA one) has asked if I'd like to buy his garden tractor - so the afternoon was spent playing on testing that, seeing what alterations might need to be made, which low lying branches (ouch!) need to go - but as it made a 2-3 hour job a 30-40 minute one I think its a done deal. After that I dug over the finished veg plots and covered them up for winter, picked the last of the beans and sat in the sun.
A very good start to Autumn - so when does the snow arrive?

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