Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Climbing Monkey

Will slept in until 8am this morning! That threw all of us as we can normally rely on our human alarm clock! Carys was at a bowling party at 10 so after dropping her and her friend, Will and I headed to Fairlands Valley with his bike in the boot. (We won't be able to do this once he gets a bigger bike in the spring.) It was a beautiful autumn morning. Will was good on his bike, staying in sight at all times and looking out for pedestrians and staying very still when he was surrounded by yappy dogs with owners who were too busy talking to notice the slighty scared child their dogs were harassing. He had a good play on the playground, going on everything at least once and then we headed back to collect Carys.

After a quick lunch Carys and I headed to Hatfield (Will went to N&P's for the afternoon) to watch the Royal Ballet's Romeo and Juliet. It had been screened live in cinemas on Tuesday but I finally tracked down a cinema showing the encore this afternoon. Carys was pirouetting in the foyer when she realised what we were doing.

Busy Monday tomorrow, I was asked to work tomorrow afternoon, but as I have promised to do Drop-in as the only supporter (my supervisor is taking one of her daughters back to Uni) I had to decline. After drop-in I need to take Will to tennis and then I have a mountain of ironing to do, before we run out of clothes! Oh yes and a 19.15 dental appointment for Carys. Lets hope they aren't running 30mins behind like last week!

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