jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Of sedatives and cuddles and growing up...

Dental sedation today. Not the best of starts when you arrive two hours early. Still, it meant we could go to the supermarket and collect a few bits, get the car cleaned, have a tiny bit extra breakfast, and give Charley some milk.

Second arrival attempt. Charley asleep again. Me much less stressed than the last time I was here. No problems. Came round, went home, cuddled Charley. He didn't want much milk anyway, just wanted his mama. I look like I've suffered a stroke. At least I don't sound like it though.

Ben's gone off to play with friends for the day, Libby says they pretty much ganged up on her and have secured a sleepover for Ben tonight!! Steve has bravely said he'll go and collect Ben any time of night if he goes into meltdown.

Been out in the garden this afternoon on the new swing seat. Steve came out and smiled and said how relaxed and happy I looked. Kind of like I used to look sitting out on the sofa on our balcony in Finland. Fresh air, a comfy seat, slightly sheltered. Bliss.

I'm off to try and sleep off some of the wooziness now though. Steve is looking after Charley. I think it's testament to how much Charley knows and loves Steve that I can leave them together without tears. That Steve can cuddle him without tears! Beautiful to see.

Going to dismantle the cot today. I think it's been used for about a week total since Charley was born. He's nearly 7 months old today. Might have to look and see how much (and how big) super king size beds are.....!

The photo. Well, I didn't even take any snaps on my phone today. I couldn't go to bed without a photograph and Charley and Steve were having such lovely cuddles. Then Charley slipped (feet first) off the sofa and ended up like this, and looked right at me! I didn't catch the laugh but I did get his cute little face :)

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