Ben cooking!

Ben came running out to greet me after pre-school this afternoon and leapt into my arms for a happy cuddle, and on the way out pointed at the toy kitchen and said "Ben cooking!" and y'know what, he wasn't kidding. They'd made courgette cakes today and Ben brought two home. He wanted to eat them for lunch and as they had courgette, apple, orange juice and raisins in them I wasn't going to argue. I think he ate just less than a whole one, judging by the bits missing now out of the both of them. Quite impressed!! And they tasted alright too. I have always been a bit suspicious of courgette cakes, but I am converted. Yum!

While he was at school the midwife centre phoned as promised and as there had been a cancellation this afternoon I was slotted in, quite amazingly. (I don't think I went for a 16wk check with a community midwife last time - if I had, and remembered what it was for, I probably wouldn't have bothered trying this hard to make an appointment this time round to be honest. But I promised the diabetic team that this time I would actually try and see the midwives more often.... But a "hello we're your midwife team" blood pressure and wee check... *sigh* every two weeks I get my blood pressure and wee checked. And every new person I see gives me the usual spiel of too much sugar in bloodstream = dangerous to baby's growth and blah blah blah got to keep levels down yes yes yes I know grit teeth and smile and nod) So we headed out with the buggy, and raincoats just in case, and Ben had his little pot of dry cereal which he'd refused to even leave the house without let alone get in the buggy, and off we went. About 200 yards away from the Children and Family Centre I realised that Ben had been inspecting his cereal very intently for quite a few minutes - and discovered he was almost asleep!! So we put the hood down and tipped his seat back a bit and he was snoring by the time we arrived to see the midwife.

What to do after that? Well as much as I wanted to go to sleep as well, I thought I might as well head into town as we were pretty much there anyway. Refuelled with a pasty, and went on a washable swim-nappy-pants thing. Boots didn't have any, but they did have pyjamas and slippers that I managed to get with the last of the points on my reward card. Ben woke up finally as we were heading towards Mothercare, and wanted to go to the beach. I said we could go after one more shop, which he was ok about. We found the swimpants in Mothercare so he finally has a larger pair which won't cut into his tummy hurrah, and then I realised that 36 months is 3 years (I stopped counting Ben's age in months a long time ago) and that they did have actual body-suit vest things that would fit Ben. He's getting a bit of eczema around his waist and vests are needed again sadly to stop him scratching the scabs so much. But he would only let me get the vests if he could choose something as well.

Oh how Steve laughed when he saw what Ben had chosen.

But at least he's wearing it and has gone to bed happily in it!!

Now it's time for me to attempt to make a cake for tomorrow. Chocolate and cherry. Perhaps. And then collapse into bed.

Ben had a sleep today - I had the opposite. And so, an hour ago, Ben was still bouncing off the walls (and off me) and I had ground to a complete stop.... Thank goodness for bedtime!

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