Manic mono monday

Today was the first full Monday I've worked in almost a year!!!!

It actually wasn't too bad apart from appointment times being too short to give me enough time to finish the task at hand and went fairly quickly.

The only downside was the god awful piped music we have to listen to now; funeral fm as I named it today. It's broadcast to all the practices at the same time and is on a loop so we get the same songs over and over and over again.

Someone within the MyDentist group has obviously had a nasty break up and has resorted to making mix tapes of the most weary songs imaginable. If I hear Dido one more time I think I'll scream!

Your opinions are required tonight blip mates.
Firstly, I want to print some photos for my dressing room from the shots I took on New York, my question is shall I leave them mono or use the colour splash? (See blip for intended photos)
Secondly, I'm thinking I might take the plunge and get a 'proper' camera. I'm a complete novice when it comes to anything other than point and shoot, so can anyone recommend a good camera for a beginner?

I'd probably buy a pre owned one as I don't want to spend a lot in case we don't get on; I can always upgrade if we do.

Opinions as always greatly appreciated :-)

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