The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

A slight misunderstanding took place

The other day I was chatting to a maintenance chap in a private hospital I visit. He was the usual rough diamond sort of bloke you see doing that sort of job. While we were chatting I mentioned that my name was Richard. He shook my hand and said "I'm Gaylord." It was at that moment I stopped listening to our conversation and began berating myself for thinking that having the name Gaylord was just plain wrong and, anyway, why shouldn't a person be comfortable with having an unusual name that people may feel the need to take the piss out of and good for him for proudly using the name his parents chose for him and for not being bashful about it.
A couple of days later I was asking one of the managers about something and he told me I'd best see Gary about it. I said I didn't know Gary. He said that I must have seen him around - Gary Lord the maintenance man.

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