A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Never shake hands with an A.I. man

Weird the things you think about.

Some time ago I blipped and wrote about my worst jobs. One of them was working in a company called Genus, where I spent a summer cataloguing bull sperm (yes you did read that right - although I hasten to add that at no point did I actually ever have to go near the stuff!!!!).

Well, whilst working at Genus, I learned quickly that before you shook hands with anyone, you found out what their job was. The rule was "Never shake hands with an A.I. man" (AI being Artificial Insemination - for that was the main business of the company, clearly, why else would a business have large stocks of bull sperm?????????) you can't want me to explain why you should never shake hands with one!

Corin was inserting some insulation to the cavity in the wall this evening in the area surrounding the cat flap as there was a heck of a draft blowing through (you know - that whole sentence is just loaded with opportunities to say "fnar, fnar"). I was watching him and all I could think of was A.I. men. Weird mind I have.

Backblipped last night - Corin's exceedingly large 'bit' - so you can see the size of the tool used to create the cat flap tunnel.


Thats it - I must stop for I feel I am being ridiculously childish and smutty.

On a side note, my back is no better, am wearing a back support, and to add insult to injury, the abominal pain is back...think I am immune to my painkillers. Long day started with a meeting with a parent and a student over an incident where the student had called me a bitch TWICE last Thursday (whats wrong with that? she's only telling the truth!!). Then a performance management meeting with one of my colleagues who I line manage, then an hour and a quarter walking around the exam hall doing invigilation, which did NOT help as it was pigging freezing. When I say walking, it was hobbling. I could really use a walking stick! Then a meeting with the Head to discuss job roles and responsibilities, then two hours teaching, then 2 hour senior team meeting.
So now its a long hot bath and an early night! And a nice glass of Claret. How very middle class!

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