Dinner with Old Friends

We are back in Berkeley for our semi-annual trip to the dentist...although it looks like we are going to have to come back in six weeks. We're tucked up in bed at the Claremont Hotel with a beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay after a delightful dinner with our old friends Marcia and Steve, but we earned the luxuries.

What I thought was to be a simple cleaning and a resealing of a couple of teeth turned into a three hour ordeal in the dentist's chair when she found a cavity that needed immediate attention. I have apparently developed a sensitivity to the epinephrine in the local anesthetic because I started shaking and, worse yet, it didn't numb my mouth so we waited while she injected a second drug and I stopped shaking. By the time I got out of there all I could manage was a bowl of soup and a nap. It's a good thing we really like this dentist because we have to come back for the recoating for me and a filling for OilMan.

The best part of the day is when we went to Steve and Marcia's house for "leftovers" from a dinner party they had last night for her brother the winemaker and their friend the restauranteur. Needless to say, they were the most elegant and delicious leftovers I've ever had.

Home tomorrow when I will catch up with everybody.

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