
By Lenore

Simple toys

Cheap mother / inventive mother, let's go with the latter, got to be here as I have no idea when to buy toys for him aside from South Africa. Next toy is a coke bottle filled with rice - love to say that it was my idea but totally stolen from a friend.

Pictures taken today for his passport - he had to wear black, so will be in his passport draped in one of my maternity tops as that's all we had in black, don't war much of it out here.

As we arrived back from town, the cows were waiting to be let into their kraal and watching a troop of about 20 baboons help themselves to their dinner as the naughty baboons had made their way in. Watching them climb up the 12ft fence to get out was quite impressive, despite their naughtiness. Steeling the cattle feed and having a panchant for calfs does not endear them to a cattle farmer however and could have a life shortening result if they become too cheeky.

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