
By Lenore

End of month internet blues...

This is exactly what you don't want to see.... the internet usage report saying we've used the monthly allowance.  This month we made it to the last day of the month before, in a fit of internet exuberance Dirk watched three You Tube films, so we had a day with our tails between our legs and no internet. We get 15gb a month and John wants us to reduce this to 10gb - no chance is my opinion, we can barely cope with what we have.  

Today was particularly gutting as I'd arranged to speak to Mum and Dad and it felt like ages since I'd spoken to them - in fact, I hadn't spoken to Dad since leaving the UK, so it has been ages!  Despite my best - possibly overly worthy - efforts not to be dependent upon the internet, the delicate balance of tiredness (blame the baby), being in a strange country and generally being quite unsettled can make you more dependent on it than you would like to admit. However, tomorrow is another day - and a new month, which is rather exciting from a web perspective! 

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