Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Dog tired

A bit of a stressful morning, all was going to plan dogs out in the garden for morning toilets, I nipped into the shower. Came out dressed got the boots on got all the dogs together for the walk. No rusty. Gave a shout and checked he wasn't in the house or garden. Nope still no rusty. A louder shout and whistle and no sign. Go upstairs in house to check fields in front of the house, no sheep moving, geese quietly grazing and no Rusty. Getting a bit worried by this stage as very occasionally he escapes but never far and never for long. Husband and I split up and walked around and about for an hour and a half and one of the sweeps back past the house and here he is sitting on the doorstep. As we hadn't heard anything and couldn't see him we were beginning to think he was severely injured or ill or even dead as this would be the only reason he wouldn't come back. Ours wear collars but we make them ourselves out of sailing rope with two knots in it that slip and widen the collar if it snags so I knew it wasn't the collar. Hes uninjured and looking like normal if a little drooly by the mouth. It will remain a mystery what happened to him. It took two cups and tea and some Jaffa cakes and about two hours for husband and I to wind down from the near panic we were in whilst looking for him.

The dogs spent the day sun bathing in the yard whilst I tidied the farmhouse and cleaned out the hens and ducks. Ben got another training session and I'm seeing more improvement with him. Mitzi is away home this evening so its all calming down again.

17c 2 mph S sunshine all day

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