BCAM - Day 1

Today is China National Day and therefore a public holiday.  The man and boys were home (yay!) but the boys both had their own thing going on.

Martin and I headed to the airport for lunch and the IMAX theatre to watch 'Everest' and we have been to the summit and back with all fingers and toes in place.  We wondered what motivated some people to climb such heights ... and the movie kind of explained why people do. But neither of us feel any such aspirations. I can just about manage the big steps up to our place from the main road in DB!  Martin loves being in the hills and mountains around Lantau but that's enough for him.

Spotted this BCAM promotional fund raiser at Pacific Coffee.  I will most definitely be wearing pink on Oct 23 ... and any other day I can :)

Please do click on this link if you have a moment and press the pink bar to help give free mammograms to those who need it.

ThingsBeautiful and I reckon we should tag our BCAM posts this year as BCAM2015.  So that's what I'll be doing.

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