Cake Day.

Iv had a really lovely Day.

Today is my 5th Wedding Wedding Anniversary to this wonderful man. After a lazy morning, he treated me to a Starbucks Breakfast with a beautifully smooth Spiced Pumpkin Latte and Fruit toast before I had to go to work. 

And a Spooky thing  happened today where the 4 year old I was working with asked me what colour my front door was!!!!! My regular followers would understand the significance of this question!!!

Then this evening I was treated to dinner and Rhubard Cocktails in our favourite Pub where Mr W had actually proposed. My daughter joined us and spoiled me with gifts then her boyfriend arrived with a huge bunch of flowers, then a cake arrived with lots of staff singing Happy Birthday!!! Yep....47 today! A prime number apparently. I have no idea about numbers!!

Iv felt very special today with so many facebook and text messages. Its been a struggle to keep up with them all but Im getting there!!

A lovely Day. 


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