Rain, and More Rain

These shots were about 2 PM at North Myrtle Beach on Friday.  to get the first one, I parked on the street to the side of the house and vacant lot.  In the extra photo, the flooded yard is not this one, but all that is not green in the left of the photo is water.  Last night we went to our church for a  6 PM meal, and had to try 3 routes in order to get home.  Thankfully, the water covering our street and the water coming about 10 feet into our backyard from the wetlands have gone down.  Our rains are to continue at least into Monday. Current rains are not part of the hurricane -  it's not that far up the coast yet.  They  are saying this is a 1 in 500 year flood/rain system.  Many evacuations last night in our town.  We have friends who after the dinner, drove to the fire department and were taken to their home in a firetruck. 

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