It's all about the Bass

Bill was 50 last week, to mark this momentous achievement he got a new Bass, and an Amp.

The Bass is a Rickenbacker, and is utterly brilliant. I've never really liked playing bass but with this thing... wow I was straight into a bit of Geddy Lee, Kris thingy from Nirvana and of course could not contain my inner Lemmy.  What a great instrument. I've played Rickenbacker guitars and never thought much of them, but this bass is just perfect. I'm really looking forward to band practice next week.

Anyway apart from this excitement I've been to the tip, or the dump as we called it back in the day. Now it is called 'The Household Recyling Centre'...Hardly rolls off the tongue does it? I mean who would read book called 'Stig of The Household Recycing Centre?' no one that's who !

Then sorted out the PA and cut the grass, all very middle aged ;)

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