Homework in bed

Busy day at work.  I went out to lunch with my boss.  It was delightful, but then....acid reflux.  ARGH.  I don't suffer from acid reflux very often, since I had surgery for it about 12 years ago.  OH but when it happens....I hate it.  I was exhausted...and frustrated, and just DONE.  I couldn't wait to pick up Sugar from dance and just get home.  Alas.....foiled at the dance studio when the door to the dressing room got locked shut....and the lock jammed....and the door impossible to break down....and all of Sugar's stuff on the INSIDE.  We had to wait for a locksmith....it took an hour and 45 minutes.  So we were so late getting home.  Fastfood for Sugar on the way home, and homework in bed.  I joined her quickly, and was off to dreamland in no time. 

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