Backblip 2nd October: Size Matters

Day two saw us move from Dornoch and on to Culloden Moor, via a day on the Black Isle. I was unsuccessful in an attempt to meet up with Houseonahill6 though my DH was convinced he was about to be arrested for paying too-close attention to the women at Chanonry Point (he was seeking a little red camera, honestly!) 

We were there for the dolphin-watching, naturally.  The weather had taken a slump for our arrival and we shivered for about two hours, seeing three or four pods pass by but getting little camera action in. The extra pic is what might have been an interesting pic, if only I had more welly, like the chap in the main pic, though more skill would have come in very handy too! 

Houseonahill6 did catch up with Brunhilde later (and left us a note), but we were elsewhere at that time (probably in the Cromarty East Kirk, where I took many photos)

1st October

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