
By AH14


Have patience with me - I'm learning!

Today I'm risking posting an image that you may absolutely hate but if I don't post it, I won't know! Please do feel free to offer constructive criticism!

I've found a new 'favourite place' to photograph, thanks to a friend who said 'I know a great place for sunsets!' He's right - it would be a great place for photographing the sunset. I shall look forward to going back. Today I was there pretty much in the middle of the day, when it was relatively warm, so as not to get chilled and to give the newly prescribed antibiotics a fighting chance to gain an upper hand over my cough. The light was quite milky and I did get a number of quite interesting shots. And then I started playing in Photoshop Elements.....

I've given it a tiny black border, otherwise it would be in danger of disappearing into a sea of white, but it really does look so much better on the black background!

Many thanks for everything on yesterday's Sunrise blip, which you may not have seen, as I'm blipping so very early because Son Number 3 is home for the next 24 hours, and is already climbing Page two - thank you so much to all who have helped it on its way! :))


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