Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo


Work? Pshaw! Let's have more talk of work. This evening's football was off so I took the opportunity to cycle in to work - a lovely, sunny, misty morning ride - - and nice on the way home too - although a bit of a race against time to get home before I needed lights on.

And when I got home, the lights weren't on. So I had a romantic, candlelit bath. Well, a candlelit bath during which I ate some malt loaf and tried to read without setting my book on fire.

Health and Safety would have done their nut - mixing up naked flames with water! But I survived without electrocuting myself. Then, while the men from the Leccy toiled, we had an Indian.

Turns out one of the posts from the new fence went through the cable.

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