
By shropsiren

Growth spurt.

After a 2 hour journey from Nairobi, on a road that a Kenyan colleague once described as one of the most dangerous roads in Africa, I made it to the Restart Centre in one piece, just about!! This was thanks to the superb defensive driving of my friend/colleague and his lovely wife who had kindly offered to take me to the centre on their weekend off. I think I only screamed once during the journey, those of you who have ever experienced driving in Kenya will know what I'm talking about. On arrival at my lodgings for the next few weeks I had a lovely catch up over lunch with the director of the charity, an amazing woman called Mary. She will be the subject of another blip in the near future. We discussed what she had planned for me to do over the next 6 weeks and it sounds like I'm going to be very busy. To say I'm excited is an understatement. After lunch Mary took me to Restart. It's been a long nine months since my last visit, and this time it is in much nicer circumstances. Up until January this year I hadn't gone longer than four months between visits over the last two years.
It was fabulous to see the children and how much they have grown. I've never seen so many smiling faces and can't wait to spend time with them over the next 6 weeks. The little girl on the right is Paige, I've watched her grow from a shy toddler into a bright inquisitive little girl who held my hand whilst I was given a tour of the centre. She will no doubt be a blip on her own later on.

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