Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"I am not an angel and do not pretend to be. That is not one of my roles. But I am not the devil either. I am a womandog and a serious artist, and I would like so to be judged."
Maria Callas, nearly

There is art in barking. It is like music making. aprecious says I remind her of all those wretched Sunday afternoons when her brother's 'band' practised their routines in the kitchen where the floor was concrete and the sound reverberated off the walls. This was not a good thing. But barking for me is like the music of angels. And besides it's a warning. aprecious says please can I warn her about something useful like the lottery numbers for next Saturday or that a flood is coming? Because, she says, being warned about an imaginary monster is getting quite tedious.

I can sing too. I am nearly as good as Maria Callas. Well... I will be if I keep practising. Then I am going on Britain's Got Talent and I'm going to say to Simon, "It's my destiny Simon, I just know if I keep on practising I will be the next Kiri Te Kanawa or that other woman whose name I can't remember. Please give me a chance. I want it so badly."

aprecious says she doesn't believe in public humiliation and perhaps I'd be better taking up agility or heel work to music instead? But aprecious is wrong.

In my soul I am a diva.

When Maud sings this is what she hears in her head - Madam Butterfly, Maria Callas

Thank you for all your lovely contributions yesterday. I am going to put it together as a whole celebration poem, maybe during the England Match tonight because I like to be busy against the backdrop of unbearable tension.
I was staggered by what a lot of fun the torch relay was yesterday. Here are my terrible photos of our friend Les wearing his new trainers on his special day. Les is a Commissioner in the Scouts having been involved in the Movement for more than 40 years. The Scouts, Cubs and Beavers who lined the road cheering and singing his name did him proud. Bits and Bats Now you can see why I take pictures of my dog!

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