P P P Pick up a Penguin

Mum and I popped back to Living Coast this morning to watch the penguins being fed and it's taken ages to pick my blip as I took so many photos, but I've put a selection of others in my extras.

We were going to stay to watch the otters being fed, but we got so cold, we decided to join Alan in the cafe and have a hot chocolate instead, and then went back to the house to watch the F1.  We had lunch and set off for home about 2.30pm.  

We saw signs for Stonehenge and as we've never been we decided we'd take a slight detour to go and see it, but were disappointed to find it's been commercialised and there was a charge of £15 per person, so we decided not to bother.  When we re-joined the main road, we were glad that we hadn't paid to visit it, as we drove past it - rather slowly due to the heavy traffic, so got to see it anyway and I took a few photos from the car.  

I've reached another milestone on my journey this weekend in that my hair has started to come out.  I feel fine about it as I'm prepared mentally, and I'm just really glad that I made the decision to have it cut last weekend as it would be too late to donate it now.  I'll see how it goes this week, but I'll probably shave it all off soon and start wearing the wig all the time.

Anyway, it's been a great weekend, and now it's time for bed - night, night x

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