Astute Jargon

By LeslieOakes

Quintessential family portrait

This was taken a couple of years ago and is everyone's favourite family portrait. People seem to like how natural it is and captured children perfectly... Well all of the parents do.

I think they look at it and feel a sense of relief that their children aren't the only ones who act like children; even when you require a brief break from that and want a photo of smiling faces facing forward.

To me, because they are MY children a little part of me looks at it and knows that: Megan (far right) was cross that she couldn't wander off on her own, like 'Courtney' would have been allowed, Aidan and Lewis (middle left and right) couldn't help but make use of the buttercup that Aidan had picked to investigate if Lewis was in fact allergic to butter, and Caitlin (far left) felt the whole thing was a bit exasperating... and I think one photo of the four of them sitting perfectly at attention would have been nice.

It does represent them perfectly though, and makes me smile. I will never match this photo, though have taken an updated one - will post soon!!

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