Capital adventures

By marchmont

Sorting homelessness

Our Members' Conference today so I was down at CoSLA, listening to inspirational stories from our members and hearing their thoughts about what needs to be done to end homelessness and create a fairer Scotland.

Much chat, much laughter and much food! I avoided the bacon rolls but had succumbed by the time we got to the Crisis cake in the afternoon. The panel in the afternoon was very good, although a few fears that Neil, the chair, may have got the call to rush to Simpson's. Later this week, maybe.

On the way home I went to the unveiling of the Big Issue's fantastic portrait of their vendors. I didn't realise that John, weel kent and eeel heard on his pitch on the Meadows, had died. But he is immortalised in this.

Home to yummy leftovers and a long chat with C on the phone. It meant I missed another call. Then I fell semi asleep in front of 'River'.

So tired today. The cause, waking at 4 worrying about news I had to pass on today. It's done now.

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