The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

(Abstracted) Smokey 2212 hr (Mon 5th October 2015)

I thought this Smokey picture needed a something more, so I tweaked it a little using the in-camera digital filters.

Too much? :)

(The Extra of a second image additionally used the Fish-eye filter, further distorting Smokey's frame. Here he is in black and white from the same session, sitting on the ali-baba.)

14.10.2015 (1224 hr)

Blip #1677 (#1927 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #021
Day #2022
Smokey #304
LOTD #911 (#1032 including archived blips)

Lens: Pentax smc P-DA 17-70mm F4 AL (IF) SDM

Smokey series
Cats series
Abstracts And Experiments series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Meli Melo - Window Shopping (1986)
I was sad to learn that the feminist Belgian film director                                                Chantal Akerman committed suicide whilst suffering from depression on this day, 5 October 2015. I saw a lot of her films at the NFT in the 70's and 80's, including this untypical musical, Golden Eighties, for which she also wrote all the lyrics. One was an LFF premiere which she attended and gave a Q&A after the screening.

One year ago:
Smokey 1035 hr

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