It had been forecasted but when you see it actually snowing, it is a big surprise. It was only wet snow. When we made a long walk through the forest in the afternoon some of the snow was still lying on the rows of cut wood and at the head of trunks.
We were packed with cloths, did not mind the cold, and loved the fresh air.
When we were nearly home we met our neighbour, who lives at the end of the street. She told us (we knew already of course) that she would turn ninety in december. That she had thought that morning that she would not live the day, but look there she was walking and enjoyed the fresh air, as we had done.
You young, she said, can walk easily, but I like my little walk too, leaning on my rollator, I even can rest on it for a moment.
In the woods we had seen no other persons, no animals beside birds.

My haiku:

Our conversation
Is intimate, the fungi
Cried that's why we're close

And the proverb:

Further than the wall she/he cannot go.

1528  Thomas More, Wks.

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